React js training
Kick Start your Career as React Developer with Our Online React JS Training Certification Course
Learn to leverage the power of React in this hands-on, project-based course. This online ReactJS course will take you from the absolute basics to building scalable, sophisticated web applications. You’ll learn all the latest ReactJS concepts – Redux, React Router, server-side rendering, JSX, events, Webpack, and much more with practical examples.
30 Hrs Instructor Led Training
10 + Corporates Served
1500 + Professionals Trained
Pay in 2 Installments
Certification and Job Assistance
Flexible Schedule
React is an open-source Javascript library developed by Facebook for creating rich web applications efficiently and quickly with minimal coding. It’s one of the most popular javascript libraries available today that utmost organizations prefer.
Our training course is curated by the industry experts covering the current version of React with the latest advancements in the field. It will develop skills in building applications using ReactJS, Redux, and Flux from scratch. Upon completion, you will be able to apply the fundamentals of React in handling real-time ReactJS projects
The reasons why should you learn ReactJS today to advance your career are:
- React is easy to learn.
- It is being used widely in companies like Facebook, Netflix, Apple, Paypal, and more.
- You can create any web applications, command-line interfaces, mobile and desktop apps by learning ReactJS certification course.
- The demand for ReactJS developers is growing fast, with great opportunities for skilled ones.
- ReactJS developer can earn an average salary of $113,326 per annum – Indeed.
Our React JS certification course is designed mainly for:
- Aspirant wishing to build a career in frontend web application development.
- Web developers who build UI/UI solutions for web and mobile apps.
- Professionals who want to develop large-scale web applications using React.
There are no mandatory pre-requisites for taking this training. However, experience in working with any programming language like C, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript and, HTML would be preferred.
1. System requirements
- Operating System
- 4 GB RAM
- 10 GB free space
2. Installation requirements for React JS
- Node.js
- Visual studio code IDE etc.
Icronix has specially designed the React JS course content to give learners a core understanding of the fundamental aspects of React. This syllabus is fully up to date with the latest release of React and provides complete hands-on experience in creating ReactJS applications from scratch. Our course content will further help you in advancing your path as a ReactJS professional. Below course modules will expand your skills in ReactJS development.
- History of FrontEnd Libraries
- Motivation for using React
- Virtual DOM vs Real DOM
- Thinking in React
- Diffing Alogorithm of React.JS
- One Way Binding vs Two Way Binding
- ReactJS environment Setup.
- Node Package Manager.
- Default vs Named Exports.
- Hello World in React.JS.
- What is JSX ?
- Why is JSX used and what are the advantages of it?
- Expressions in JSX.
- Internal Implementation of JSX.
- Rendering Elements in React.JS.
- ReactDOM.render() function.
- How does render function work and update DOM.
- Styling and CSS.
- What are components in React.js.
- What are Functional Components?
- What are Class Components?
- Functional vs Class Components.
- Converting Functional Components to Class Components
- What are Props ?
- What is State in React.JS?
- Difference between State vs Props.
- Why props are Read-Only.
- Composition of ReactComponents
- What are lifecycle Methods and What are the uses of it?
- Importance of Mounting Phase.
- Importance of Updating Phase.
- Difference between Mounting & Updating Phase.
- Different Lifecycles methods of React.JS
- Passing props to child Components.
- Updating State of React.JS component.
- What is the significance of setState function.
- What are events in JS.
- Handling Events in React.js
- Handling Events in React.JS
- Passing Arguments to Event Handlers.
- Conditional Rendering in React.JS.
- Preventing Component Rendering.
- What is Context API?
- What are Fragments?
- What are Higher Order Components?
- What are Hooks?
- Different types of Hooks available
Frequently asked questions
The trainer will give Server Access to the course seekers, and we make sure you acquire practical hands-on training by providing you with every utility that is needed for your understanding of the course.
In case you are not able to attend any lecture, you can view the recorded session of the class in Icronix . To make things better for you, we also provide the facility to attend the missed session in any other live batch.
The trainer is a certified consultant and has significant amount of experience in working with the technology.
Yes, we accept payments in two installments.
If you are enrolled in classes and/or have paid fees, but want to cancel the registration for certain reason, it can be attained within first 2 sessions of the training. Please make a note that refunds will be processed within 30 days of prior request.